Fourth Evolution Inc

Fourth Evolution Inc (4Ei) is constantly researching new technologies in order to understand them and work out how they can be used to build interesting products and solutions. We have worked with Machine Learning, Blockchain technologies, immersive graphics, Internet-of-Things devices, peer-to-peer networking, homomorphic encryption, etc. In our last project we designed and wrote a Machine Learning system that processed live-streaming audio; this system used TensorFlow, Python, C++, Swift, Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud and ran on ARM-based device (Cortex-M and Cortex-A) using Google's Edge TPU. This was connected to a Swift-based Augmented Reality app that used Artifical Intelligence to display complex data held in Google Cloud.

Contact David Cittadini, our CEO, if you want someone to help you underestand how particular technologies work and how they can be used in your solutions. We look at problems with an open, innovative mind and love to find new ways to use new technologies.

David Cittadini